Wednesday 10 January 2007

Then and Now

January 10th, 2007

Only nine days until liftoff and I've been thinking about my first trip to India back in 1986 when I trained it around India for 5 or so weeks with a backpack and a camera bag.

Then: one camera (a Minolta with a 50-200mm telephoto lens) and 20 rolls of slide film and a couple of extra batteries.

Now: Two digital cameras, (an Olympus with a 30-300 telephoto and a small Sony for portability when we go out in the evenings, 50-150 telephoto), extra memory sticks for each, convertors (2) one battery charger, 8 AA batteries and another convertor with various international plugs for cameras, hair dryer etc as well as a cell phone with it's separate wall charger with convertor, a small alarm clock. So much for new technology making things easier.

Then: One pair of jeans, 4 pair of underwear and socks, 3 shirts, one pair of shoes.

Now: Let's just say that the combination of biz and pleasure, Himalayas and Hawaii and upscale hotels means I'm packing a hell of a lot more this time.

Then: Six First Class flights took me from South Carolina to Bombay and back for $1,400, and a First Class unlimited train pass for 5 weeks added another $300.

Now: Eleven coach flights take us around the world for about $2,100 each, then we have 4 train trips in India, rental cars in San Francisco and Hawaii and a camel ride and elephant ride. I don't even want to talk about the train cost, but it does include all meals, tours and entrance fees for 15 days, so I could rationalise it to my financial advisor.

Then: No credit card or debit card, just 25 $100 bills zippered into the inside of a regular-looking belt. I returned with 18 of those bills.

Now: 95% of the trip paid for before we leave, credit and debit cards as well as cash taken withus. Credit card companies alerted as to our whereabouts, arrangements made for payments of bills made while we are gone, ncounselling scheduled for our financial advisor, contingency plans made with the snow plough guy, home security provider alerted, mail stopped....I could go on. I thought things were supposed to get easier as you got on in life. And I can guarantee you I won't be returning with $1,800 in cash.

Then: I had one hotel rez made before I left, then pretty much winged it from day to day on my own.

Now: Extensive preparations regarding hotels, flights etc have been made and 70% of our days are pre-determined and scheduled. This is necessary and preferred at this point in our lives because we are not getting any younger and have to work at keeping the unpleasant surprises of
spontaneous travel to a minimum. No matter how much we may laugh at travel disasters years after they occur, they are seldom funny when they happen.

Then: I was alone.

Now: I have Max to share everything with me. While it was exciting to be traveling solo when I was 39, I wouldn't enjoy it at all at this point in my life. Twenty years ago I was single and had just met Max. Now, I wouldn't travel without her.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hope you guys are having a wonderful trip!! Can't wait to see the pictures when you get back!
Marcie xo